VALL Fall Meeting at W&L Law School Library

The thirty people who met at the Washington & Lee Law School Library in Lexington on Oct. 25, 2013, for the Fall VALL meeting, got an extra treat -- cake to celebrate VALL's 30th birthday!  

Marie Antoinette would have been happy. 
Many thanks to the W&L Law School Library for hosting the meeting.
Attendees chatting and catching up at the VALL breakfast
This is where the day's programs were held
Eric Mill of the Sunlight Foundation talking to attendees about his organization's efforts to provide open access to government information.
Waldo Jaquith of the Miller Center, University of Virginia, talks about "The State Decoded" -- a free, open-source project that displays legal texts online.
W&L electronic services librarian, Stephanie Miller, was one of the speakers for the program -- "The Risk, the Plan, the Payoff: Implementing a Law Repository at Washington & Lee."
W&L law library staff gave VALLers tours of the law library during the lunch break.
VALLers looking at the law library's open space.
And then there was that trip down into the dungeons!
What is a scotch keg doing here? This particular one was used in the dedication of Lewis Hall.
VALL President Amy Wharton conducting the business meeting.
Many thanks to Washington & Lee Law School Library for hosting the meeting, LexisNexis and Westlaw for sponsoring the meeting, and also to Ben Almoite for the photos of the meeting.

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