Proposed changes to the Bylaws

VALL Voting Members ,

At the recent Executive Board meeting, two updates to the Bylaws were proposed to address changes to our organizational structure and operational processes. In accordance with the VALL constitution, members are being notified of these proposed changes in advance of the next meeting (October 25, 2019).

Article I, Sec. 5
Current language: Section 5: Suspension of Membership. Members failing to pay dues by August 1st, and after due notice by the treasurer, shall be suspended from the membership by the treasurer. Suspended members may be reinstated at any time upon payment of the full current year’s dues.

Proposed change: notice and suspension of membership for non-payment of dues shall be made by the Membership Chair rather than the Treasurer

Proposed language: Section 5: Suspension of Membership. Members failing to pay dues by August 1st, and after due notice by the Membership Chair, shall be suspended from the membership by the Membership Chair. Suspended members may be reinstated at any time upon payment of the full current year’s dues.

Article V, Sec. 1 
Current language: Section 1: Purpose. The property, business, and affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Board which shall be composed of the officers of the Association, the last retiring president, and two directors of the Association who are not officers. The Chair of the Communications Committee shall serve as an ex officio member of the Board. The Executive Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy in elective offices except that of president. The person so elected by the Executive Board shall serve the unexpired term.

In the case of death or resignation of the president of the Association, the vice-president/president-elect shall become president and shall serve until the end of his or her own elected term.

Proposed change: remove reference to Chair of Communications Committee as ex officio member. The Communications Committee has been rolled into the Public Relations Committee.

Proposed language: Section 1: Purpose. The property, business, and affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Board which shall be composed of the officers of the Association, the last retiring president, and two directors of the Association who are not officers. The Executive Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy in elective offices except that of president. The person so elected by the Executive Board shall serve the unexpired term.

In the case of death or resignation of the president of the Association, the vice-president/president-elect shall become president and shall serve until the end of his or her own elected term.

Thank you,
Megan Scanlon
VALL Secretary

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