"Cool" "Modern" and "Immensely attractive" were some of the words used by members of VALL to describe South University's Richmond Campus. VALL held it's annual meeting at the Richmond Campus, Nov. 6 - 7, and it was attended by about 30 members.

Doris Morgan from McGuireWoods won one of Friday's door prizes -- an SU t-shirt. Seth Saunders and SU Head Librarian Evelyn Campbell present it to her.

A Word (or two) from VALL President Fred Dingledy:
"Thanks to everyone for making the VALL Fall/Annual Meeting a success! Kudos to the Program Committee for coming up with a great slate of speakers. Jean Holcomb and Gail Warren provided sage advice on how to come up with ideas that will stick; and just as important, how to get those ideas across to the people who have to implement them. There was a lively panel discussion involving librarians from the academic and law firm worlds on how to best teach law students the research skills they will need as attorneys. Finally, Christine Sellers, the mind behind the Law Librarians of Leisure blog, offered sound advice on dealing with the current job market for law librarians.
I was especially pleased with the high degree of involvement our members displayed. Many questions and comments flew back and forth between presenters and members during the weekend's programs, which I always take as a sign of a good meeting. Once again, thanks to the presenters, organizers, and attendees, and a big thanks to South University as well for agreeing to host the event at their brand-new campus in Richmond. I hope everyone will be there for the Winter Meeting at Liberty!"